NACPC Takes the Lead In Chassis Innovation: Company Launches Chassis Tracking with Asset Intelligence

JOC: Profiling NACPC’s New Savannah Premium Chassis Pool

The Journal of Commerce has been profiling our efforts to help bring premium, at-cost chassis into the pools – first in Houston, now in Savannah. In Senior Editor Joe Bonney’s recent article, he states:

“As the pools’ chassis rental costs have risen, NACPC’s at-cost pricing model has provided an additional selling point. NACPC’s Houston and Savannah premium pools rent chassis for $14 a day, several dollars below what leasing companies and co-op pools charge.”

JOC subscribers can access the full article here.

To learn more about our premium pools, click here.

The North American Chassis Pool Cooperative - NACPC Premium Chassis

JOC: A Focus on Our Houston Premium Pool

We were recently included in the Journal of Commerce where Senior Editor Joe Bonney spoke about the launch of our Houston Premium Chassis Pool.

“The new Houston pool will…[make] premium 40-foot chassis available for short or long-term rental to NACPC members. ‘This particular solution will ensure that our customers have access to a premium-quality chassis each and every time,’ [NACPC President & Chairman Dave] Manning said.”

JOC subscribers can read the full article here.