What is “OCEA-N”?

The Open Choice Equipment Agreement – Northeast (OCEA-N) is a port-wide gray chassis pool servicing major cargo, freight and equipment handling facilities in the port complexes of New York, New Jersey.


While OCEA-N is operated and governed by the NACPC Chassis Pool, it will also be open to participation by any other equipment providers that meet the basic contributory requirements.


OCEA-N is designed to meet requirements voiced by NY/NJ users and stakeholders, namely:

  • Contributory pool that is open to participation by any qualifying chassis supplier.
  • Fully interoperable chassis fleet with port-wide coverage
  • “Open Choice” allows all users to negotiate with and select the chassis provider of their choice.
  • Higher standards for fleet quality (Radials and LED)
  • Business rules that encourage continued equipment upgrades.


What is the timeline for OCEA-N? 

May 14th, 2018 start date.


What locations are included in the scope of OCEA-N?

NJ/NY area:

  • Marine Terminal
  • Rail Ramps
  • Depots / CYs
  • CES 


Will OCEA-N chassis have a common marking on them?

“OCEA-N” decals on 4 sides of the chassis


What is Open Choice?

Open choice refers to the right of IEP’s to select their preferred chassis provider.  As an example, most pools operate on box rules where the ocean carrier selects the chassis provider (both for carrier haulage and merchant haulage moves), even when they are not responsible for the costs.  Other pools exercise open choice, but only at the discretion of the ocean carrier and/or their appointed provider.  OCEA-N does not prevent or limit such choice, but rather the motor carrier, BCO or other responsible parties are free to select the chassis provider of their choice.


Why is establishing open choice important to overall port operations and stakeholders? 

While there are numerous factors to consider, we offer the following two examples:


Inflated Costs to the Motor Carrier – Without true open choice, the motor carrier is forced to use the chassis provider appointed by the ocean carrier.  Basically a “caught fish”, the motor carrier is prevented from leveraging their business to negotiate for more favorable terms and conditions.  Furthermore, the usage rates charged for merchant haulage usage are highly burdened by the discounted rates given to ocean carriers in return for being named as their preferred provider. OCEA-N operates with only one condition; if you are responsible for supplying the chassis, you are free to name any participating provider as your supplier.


Proliferation of private fleets – Many motor carriers are forced to use private owned or leased fleets in order to avoid the aforementioned inflated costs.  This in turn interferes with port efficiency and work jurisdictions.   Through competition, the OCEA-N structure allows costs for interoperable pool chassis to compete more effectively with private fleets.


Who benefits from Open Choice?

All Port Stakeholders in the operational scope will benefit by providing the end Users with a format for open choice of equipment provider.  This model provides the User the choice they deserve in close proximity to key freight handling facilities in the Northeast Region.


What is the value of this pool to the port of NY/NJ and how is it different from other pools? 

This pool gives the User true choice of their provider.


How will this pool benefit the motor carriers in these ports? 

OCEA-N gives the User a premium chassis with the ability to transit all Marine terminals in the NY/NJ port complex.


Is OCEA-N a long term solution for the Port of NY/NJ?

The current business model that offers one stakeholder group with efficiencies while burdening other stakeholders is not sustainable.  If the PONYNJ is to establish a long-term chassis solution, it must do so by ensuring fair competition and by respecting all current operational styles and work practices.  We feel that OCEA-N meets these objectives better than any other current or proposed chassis supply model.


How will OCEA-N interface with other pools in the NY/NJ area?

It is hoped that other chassis pool operators will also agree to operate within the OCEA-N pool and thereby provide the NY/NJ port with a single port-wide grey pool, yielding the same advantages to all stakeholders.


Can Motor Carriers use OCEA-N chassis for Metro and DCLI pool?

It is hoped that Metro and DCLI will participate in OCEA-N, and at that time all fleets will become interoperable.  Until then, any use of OCEA-N chassis will be governed under the terms of a contract with an OCEA-N provider.


What providers can participate in OCEA-N?

Participation is open to any provider who meets the requirements established by the NFCP. These requirements, which are reasonable and customary across U.S. pool operations, can be provided upon request.


Are Ocean Carriers going to participate?

Ocean Carriers (as well as any other entity) can become a contributing Pool Member providing they are able to satisfy the basic requirements for same.


Who will manage OCEA-N?

NFCP has contracted Consolidated Chassis Management (CCM) to manage the logistics and inventory control of the OCEA-N pool. Pool tracking, bare repositioning, usage assignment and day-to-day operations in a single system.  Should other qualified providers choose to contribute to OCEA-N in the future, each provider will utilize their own proprietary contracting and billing systems when dealing with their respective customers.


Who are pool contacts at OCEA-N?

CCM as Pool Manager is the contact for general day-to-day operating matters and problem solving, however, any matters involving the User’s contract must be referred to their provider.


Contacts for violations

Please see below links on how to handle chassis violations.

  • Traffic Toll Program – Summary
  • Traffic Toll Program – Essential Points & FAQ


If an OCEA-N chassis is being rejected at a terminal, how can I arrange for the terminal to accept the chassis?

Please contact the OCEA-N Management Group for assistance in resolving the issue with the participating OCEA-N facility.


My driver is being delayed by abnormal terminal operations.  Who can I contact for assistance?

Please contact the OCEA-N Joint Management Group for assistance in resolving the issue with the participating OCEA-N facility.


Why does OCEA-N require each IEP to maintain their contributed fleet?

Simply stated, this structure encourages IEP’s to invest in improving the quality of their contributed fleets and ensures that each IEP enjoys the full benefit of their investment.


What is the OTR policy?

While OCEA-N holds the Using Member responsible for OTR, each Provider is free to establish unique OTR terms with their respective Users.  The initial fleet for OCEA-N falls under the following road service policy.


Who do we contact for Road Side Assistance on bad-order-chassis on the street?

Road Service Policy


What if the container and/or chassis are stolen/lost/involved in an accident?

  • If the chassis is bare, contact the Chassis Provid
  • If the chassis is mounted with a container, contact the Chassis Provider for the Ocean Liner compan
  • If only the container is lost, stolen or damaged, contact the Ocean Liner company.


Who do I contact for a fix-it ticket or citation?

Contact the Chassis Provider for the Ocean Liner company.


Who do I contact if my unit and chassis have been towed?

Contact the Chassis Provider for the Ocean Liner company.


What are the Usage Rates?

Total Usage Period Charge
11 days or more   (11+ days) $19.95 per Day from Day 1
10 days or less       (1-10 days) $24.95 per Day from Day 1 (minimum 4 day charge)


How do I register to be a User of OCEA-N chassis?

Note: Existing NFRP Users will automatically be registered for OCEA-N usage in the system


  1. Enter your SCAC code at the bottom of the page and follow the steps through the online agreement, Insurance and Credit Application.
  2. The system will confirm once your registrations is complete and you are able to access OCEA-N chassis.


Who will issue the invoices to Motor Carrier?

At start of the pool, Usage invoices will be issued by NFCP since there is only 1 provider.  However, should others providers join OCEA-N, it will be the provider of their choice that will invoice the User.


Who pays MC splits?

Under the current operation there will be no splits.


Who do I contact regarding billing issues?  If I receive an invoice for an OCEA-N chassis that I did not move, who should I contact?

Contact the party that issued the invoice.


How do I get a chassis registration?

  1. Determine the owner of the chassis using the Global Intermodal Equipment Registry (GIER) site at GIER Registry (under “Equipment Inquiry”).
  2. Send an email to the corresponding chassis provider.


Can chassis be terminated outside of NY/NJ?

Should OCEA-N stop-start locations expand locations to the in Philadelphia and Baltimore areas, start-stops will be added at that time.  Nonetheless, Individual Providers may offer additional pick-up and termination locations for their contracted Users.


Where do we pick-up and return a bare chassis?

Ironbound Intermodal Industries
921 Delancy Street
Newark, NJ 07105
Gate hours: 8am – 4pm
Gate contact – Chris Krawiec: 973-741-0946


My container has a termination point at a container yard.  How do I know where to return the chassis?

Please refer to your User agreement for all OCEA-N termination facilities.


How do I street turn a chassis? 

Street turns will be administered by CCM as Manager for OCEA-N.  Submit the request in writing to the following email address: OCEANlogistics@ccmpool.com


How does a motor carrier register to become an authorized bare reposition vendor for OCEA-N chassis?

The motor carrier must be an approved carrier for OCEA-N. Once approved, the motor carrier should request a repo carrier application from the OCEA-N Management Group at OCEANlogistics@ccmpool.com. Only when a motor carrier’s application has been fully approved by the Joint Management Group will the motor carrier be able to accept OCEA-N repo dispatches and be able to receive payment for completed repo moves.


Does OCEA-N offer specialized equipment?

OCEA-N fleet consists of standard 20, 40 and 45ft premium chassis outfitted with Radial Tires, LED lights and ABS brakes.


How do I obtain a chassis release?

Your driver should check in at the Ironbound gate for a release of a bare OCEA-N chassis.  They will be directed accordingly.